What I have learned a lot this month:
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- If you don't like who you are or where you're going in life challenge yourself to try the things that would be beneficial. You know what they are... they nag at the back of your mind... they are things you don't want to do because you are afraid that the results wont be worth the cost. (ie: keep your house spotless, buy better groceries and cook dinner, quit smoking, eat right, exercise more, be nicer to people, make new friends, study something new, find a job you really like) It will be worth it just to know you succeeded and the nagging doubts will go away for good.
- Rewards are necessary. We know when we are kids that we react and learn from gold stars but as adults we pretend it is for our own sense of achievement. Give yourself the stars.
- Be a diva. You really can walk away from stress and lock yourself in a bathroom for ten minutes mid-sentence without any real consequences.
- Exercise works not only to reduce stress but to improve your lung strength and circulation after you quit. It helps you stave off the pounds you gain from quitting and activities like yoga help you remember what you knew as a smoker: Deep breathing helps you deal with stress!
- A book is a great distraction in waiting rooms and school parking lots when you have to burn a few minutes and you can finish a whole book (depending on length) in a week of waiting.
- To successfully quit smoking you have to give up hanging out with friends who smoke (especially if you were a social smoker like me). You cannot convert a smoker who isn't interested and you cannot try to prove you are a stronger person than you really are. As an added bonus there are tons of people who don't smoke that you have probably never met. Introduce yourself.
- You have to learn to live again. Quitting smoking is no joke but it's worth it! You literally have to relearn to do everything but the benefits are high and quickly tangible.What will you do with the 1-2 hours a day you spent lighting up? What will you do with the thousands a year you save?